If you would like to order a PRINTED SET of FLASHCARDS, please sign up using this event.
If you need to send a payment using PayPal, please select that option.
If you need to send a payment using CashApp, please select that option. Please register for the cards on this website and send the payment via CashApp. When payment has been received via CashApp, the cards will be mailed.
We will notify you via email when the flashcards are ready to be picked up if you paid the $15 fee.
If you need your set mailed to you, please provide your mailing address when you sign up.
If you would prefer to print the flashcards yourself, a PDF of the flash cards is attached. Be sure to print them at "actual size" or 100% and double-sided. I would suggest that you use 65# cardstock.
There are no flashcards for Chapters 3 and 15 since those are math chapters.